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The undersigned Prospective Purchaser has requested that Confidential Information be furnished to him/her onthe below named property for the purpose of evaluating the possible purchase of said property. The informationrequested is non-public, confidential or proprietary in nature. This information, together with the OfferingMemorandum, analyses, compilations, forecasts, studies or other documents prepared by the Seller,Broker, and/or their representatives, which contain or otherwise reflect such information, is hereinafterreferred to as “Confidential Information”.The undersigned Prospective Purchaser agrees to treat all information provided as highly confidential andagrees that none of the materials (Confidential Information) furnished to the him/her will be used or duplicatedin any way detrimental to the property, the Seller or Hunter Realty Associates, Inc. (Broker) nor for any purposeother than evaluating a possible purchase of the property described therein. Further, the undersigned agreesthat the information shall not, without Broker's prior written consent, be disclosed to other parties orused for any purpose other than in connection with the evaluation of the property. Therefore, theundersigned party agrees to keep all Confidential Information strictly confidential (other than information whichis a matter of public record or is provided in other sources readily available to the public); provided, however,that the Confidential Information may be disclosed by Prospective Purchaser to directors, officers andemployees of the undersigned but only to these individuals, and to the undersigned's outside counsel, advisors,partners, accounting firm, consultant and potential lenders (all of whom are collectively referred to as "RelatedParties") who in the undersigned's considered judgment need to know such information for the purpose ofevaluating a possible purchase of the property by the undersigned. The undersigned party will promptly, uponrequest, return all Confidential Information furnished to them without retaining copies thereof.The undersigned Prospective Purchaser agrees not to make available or disclose any of the contents of theConfidential Information or the fact that discussions or negotiations are taking place concerning a possible saleof the property to the undersigned; including the terms, covenants, conditions or other facts with respect to anysuch transactions, including the status thereof, to any person other than as permitted by the precedingparagraph unless: (i) such person has been identified in writing to Seller; (ii) the Seller has approved in writingthe disclosure of the Confidential Information to such person; (iii) such person has entered into a writtenconfidentiality agreement. The undersigned will direct all parties to whom Confidential Information is madeavailable not to make similar disclosures and any such disclosures shall be deemed made by, and be theresponsibility of, the undersigned.The undersigned Prospective Purchaser acknowledges that a breach of this Agreement may cause irreparableharm, the amount of which may be difficult to ascertain or for which damages may not constitute an adequateremedy. In the event of an attempted, threatened, or actual breach of this Agreement, the undersigned
acknowledges that Seller and/or Broker shall have the right to obtain injunctive relief to restrain the unauthorizeduse or disclosure of the Confidential Information, in addition to any remedies otherwise available at law or equity.Furthermore, the prevailing party in an action to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled to recover theirattorneys' fees and expenses incurred in connection with such litigation.BROKER DISCLAIMERBroker prepared the Confidential Information from information believed to be reliable. However, there could beerrors and omissions and misstatement of facts and the broker assumes no liability. The undersignedunderstands and acknowledges that there is no representation or warranty as to the Confidential Information’saccuracy or completeness. The projections contained in the Confidential Information represent estimates basedon assumptions considered reasonable under the circumstances, but there are no representations orwarranties, expressed or implied, that actual results of operations will conform to such projections.No liability is assumed for errors and omissions, misstatements of facts, prior sale, change-of-price orwithdrawal from the market without notice.FINANCIAL & OPERATIONAL QUALIFICATIONSThe undersigned Prospective Purchaser certifies and represents that he is financially and operationally qualifiedto purchase and operate a property of the magnitude of the property being presented herein. The undersignedunderstands that the Seller is and will be providing financial and other confidential information pertaining to theproperty and therefore it is reasonable that Seller will request financial and operational information fromProspective Purchaser confirming Prospective Purchaser's financial and operational qualifications. ShouldProspective Purchaser decide to proceed further with the acquisition of this property, Prospective Purchaseragrees to promptly provide adequate financial information and both financial and operational references uponrequest. Broker and Seller will keep confidential the Prospective Purchaser's financial and operationalinformation when provided on the same terms and conditions as described above.PROPERTY TOURS and PROPERTY CONTACTCRITICAL: The undersigned Prospective Purchaser certifies and represents that he will not tour/visit theproperty without having pre-arranged a tour/visit with the Broker prior to such tour/visit. The undersignedProspective Purchaser also certifies and represents that he will not talk with anyone other than Brokerincluding hotel employees, customers, suppliers, franchisors, management companies, generalmanagers or lenders in regarding any matter including the potential purchase of the hotel or the hotel'soperations. Should the Prospective Purchaser violate this provision, he risks losing the opportunity to acquirethe property.
BROKER DISCLOSURE STATEMENTPursuant to Regulation 520-1-08 of the Georgia Real Estate Commission's Regulations and Georgia'sBrokerage Relationships in Real Estate Transactions Act (BRETTA), O.C.G.A. Section 10-6A-1 et seq., HunterRealty Associates, Inc., (Broker) makes the following disclosures:1. In regard to the sale of this property, Broker represents the Seller only.2. In regard to the sale of this property, Broker shall receive its compensation from the Seller.The undersigned represents that he is acting as a principal only in this transaction and that there are no otherbrokers other than Hunter involved. The undersigned acknowledges notification of the above describedrelationship and source of Broker's compensation.Nothing contained herein shall be construed as obligating the Owner to sell the property or requiring the Ownerto refrain from marketing the property to other potential purchasers. This agreement shall be governed by, andconstrued in accordance with, the laws of the State of Georgia. This Agreement shall expire at the earlier of (i)one year from execution date or (ii) consummation of transaction.By executing this Confidentiality Agreement, you are acknowledging you have read it, understand it, areauthorized to sign on behalf of the Prospective Purchaser, and are agreeing to all of its terms including thedisclaimers.Property(s):MainStay Suites Louisville Jeffersontown11762 Commonwealth Dr Louisville, KY 40299PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER:Company Name: Signature:Address: Printed Name:City: State ZIP Title:Phone: Fax: Date:E-Mail: Web Site: _