The Westport Winery Garden Resort property totals 21.36 acres and is made up of two contiguous parcels. The entire property is fenced. Each parcel has its own paved commercial access apron from South Arbor Rd. • Parcel A (171031420040): 2.9 acres, zoned C-2 General Commercial District • Parcel B (171031420020): 18.46 acres, zoned C-2 General Commercial District Parcel B is designated for a future 20-suite lodging facility.
Included in the sale:
1. 21 acres of real estate
2. All buildings: 9 totaling over 25,000 SF (includes the International Mermaid Museum building*)
3. All equipment/personal property
4. Two operating entities that occupy the premises:
• Westport Winery: handles the wine production, distillery, tasting room, gift shop, and the Sea Glass Grill.
• Vineyards by the Sea: operates the real estate, including two homes and two apartments. The residences were previously occupied by the current owner’s family and now are offered as rentals to the over 100,000 guests that visit the winery each year. This will also provide a new way of generating revenue.
*The International Mermaid Museum is a 501C3 non-profit organization that is run by its own board of directors and is a tenant paying rent to Vineyards by the Sea.