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CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-CIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENTThe Accepting Party, as defined below, is interested in obtaining information from Valor Club Partners LLC,Valor Club Partners LLC Century Pacific Properties LLC, The Valor Club Partners LLC, (each an “Owner”, andcollectively, the “Owners”), and its members, managers, consultants, agents, and employees regarding 3600 E.Southcross, San Antonio, Texas 78223 in Bexar County, (hereafter, “the "Property") in order to evaluate the possibleacquisition of the Property or any interest therein (the "Proposed Transaction"). The Owner will not deliver to AcceptingParty any information with respect to the Property which may be confidential and/or proprietary in nature unless and untilAccepting Party executes and delivers this Confidentiality and Non-Circumvention Agreement (the "Agreement"). Byexecuting and delivering this Agreement and accepting the Evaluation Materials, as defined below, Accepting Partyhereby agrees as follows:1. Confidentiality. Any information with respect to the Proposed Transaction (collectively, the "EvaluationMaterials") provided to Accepting Party by Owners will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating the ProposedTransaction and will not be used or duplicated for any other purpose. This Agreement shall bind Accepting Party and itsshareholders, members, managers, officers, directors, principals, independent contractors, employees, employers,partners, and affiliates (individually and collectively the “Accepting Party”). Accepting Party shall keep all EvaluationMaterials strictly confidential and shall use such information only in connection with the Proposed Transaction and inaccordance with the terms of this Agreement. Under no circumstance shall Accepting Party use the Evaluation Materialsto the detriment of the Owners. The unauthorized release of this information could cause harm to Owners. If any partybelieves that the unauthorized disclosure of any or all of the Evaluation Materials is likely to occur, Accepting Party shalltake all reasonable measures, and shall support any reasonable measures by Owners, to prevent such disclosure.2. Return of Evaluation Materials. If, at any time, Accepting Party elects not to proceed with the ProposedTransaction or, upon request of Owners, Accepting Party will promptly deliver to Owners all Evaluation Materials receivedby Accepting Party, whether received before or after the date of this Agreement, retaining only a copy of the EvaluationMaterials pursuant to Accepting Party’s document retention policy.3. No Disclosure. Accepting Party shall not disclose (i) the fact that discussions are taking place concerning theProposed Transaction; or (ii) any of the terms of the Evaluation Materials to any third party, unless said third party entersinto a confidentiality agreement concerning the Proposed Transaction on terms substantially similar to the terms of thisAgreement.4. No Obligation. Owners are under no legal obligation by virtue of this Agreement to either discuss the ProposedTransaction, deliver further Evaluation Materials, or complete the Proposed Transaction.5. Remedies. If an unauthorized disclosure of any or all of the Evaluation Materials has occurred, Accepting Partyshall not interfere with any effort by Owners to pursue remedies available for the unauthorized disclosure. AcceptingParty hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Owners against any and all costs, loss, liability or expense, includingattorney's fees, arising from any breach of Accepting Party’s obligations under this Agreement.ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO THIS __________________ DAY OF __________________________ 2025.ACCEPTING PARTY:Signature: ____________________________ Address: ___________________________Name/Title: ____________________________ Phone: ___________________________Company: ____________________________ Email: ___________________________