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CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTAtlantic Capital Partners (“Broker”) has made available certain confidential, non-public or proprietary informationregarding a property ("Property"), which includes financial materials ("Informational Materials"). Broker will notprovide nor disclose such Informational Materials to the investor (“Potential Purchaser”) unless and until the PotentialPurchaser has executed this agreement. Upon Broker’s receipt of this executed agreement, Broker is prepared toprovide the Informational Materials for the Potential Purchaser's consideration in connection with the possiblepurchase of the Property subject to the following conditions:1. Buyer/Broker will require its Representatives to be bound by this Agreement, and Broker will be responsible forany breach of this Agreement by its Representatives.2. All Informational Materials pertaining to the Property which may be furnished to the Potential Purchaser byBroker shall continue to be the property of the owner (“Owner”). Potential Purchaser may retain one (1) copy ofthe Informational Materials as is required by law or Potential Purchaser’s prudent corporate document retentionpolicy.3. The undersigned hereby acknowledges that it is a principal or an investment advisor in connection with thepossible acquisition of the Property and agrees that it will not look to the Owner or Broker for any fees orcommissions in connection with the sale of the Property. The undersigned also hereby acknowledges that it hasnot dealt with any broker other than Broker regarding the acquisition of the Property or, if it has, theundersigned hereby agrees to indemnify the Owner and Broker against any compensation, liability or expensearising from claims by any other broker or other party the undersigned had dealing with (excluding Broker) inconnection with the sale.4. The Informational Materials may be disclosed to the Potential Purchaser's partners, employees, legal counseland lenders ("Related Parties"), solely for the purpose of evaluating the potential purchase of the Property.5. The Potential Purchaser acknowledges that Broker and Owner do not make any representations or warrantiesas to the accuracy of completeness of the Informational Materials and that the information used in thepreparation of the Informational Materials was furnished to Broker by others and has not been independentlyverified by Broker and is not guaranteed as to completeness or accuracy.6. The Potential Purchaser hereby indemnifies and holds harmless Broker and the Owner and their respectiveaffiliates and successors and assigns against and from any loss, liability or expense, including attorney's fees,arising out of any breach of any of the terms of this agreement. Also, the Potential Purchaser warrants that ithas dealt with Broker only related to the subject property and Potential Purchaser agrees that all inquiries andcommunications with respect to the contemplated sale of such Property be directed to Broker.7. This agreement terminates one (1) year from the date hereof except as to written claims by Owner againstPotential Purchaser prior thereto.8. This Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State in which the Property islocated, and will be binding on the parties’ successors and assigns.Premier Place | Wiliamsville, NY (“Property”)I have read and agree to the Confidentiality AgreementPotential Purchaser (Print):Investor Signature:Investor Company:Address:City/State:Email Address:Telephone:Date: