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Please return this form to Mais Muwanes at mais.muwanes@jll.comConfiden�ality AgreementSale of: *10165 McKellar Court* (“Proposed Transac�on”)Following your execution of this letter, you will be provided with confidential information from Jones Lang LaSalle Americas,Inc. and/or one or more of its affiliates, representatives or advisors (collectively, “Broker”) and Owner and/or one or more ofits affiliates, partners, representatives or advisors (collectively, "Seller") relating to the Proposed Transaction. In furnishingsuch information, Broker and/or Seller are relying on your agreement to preserve the confidential nature of all suchinformation, whether furnished before or after the date of this letter agreement (collectively, the "Evaluation Material");provided, however, that there shall be no obligation under this letter agreement with respect to any Evaluation Material which(i) is or becomes generally available to the public or (ii) is required by law or requested by judicial process to be disclosed.You agree that such material will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating (at your sole cost and expense) whether youhave an interest in pursuing the Proposed Transaction.To facilitate your review, you are authorized to disclose the Evaluation Material to your directors, partners, officers,employees, attorneys, accountants or other professional representatives and consultants who need to know suchinformation for the purpose of evaluating the Proposed Transaction (collectively, "Advisors"); provided, however, that suchAdvisors will be informed by you in writing of the confidential nature of such information and will be directed by you in writingto treat such information confidentially and to otherwise comply with all of the provisions of this letter agreement. Without theprior written consent of Seller, neither you nor any of your Advisors will have any discussions regarding the ProposedTransaction with any third party, except for disclosures as may be required by applicable law or pursuant to court process,provided that prior to any such disclosure by you, you will, if permitted by applicable law or judicial order, immediately notifyBroker and/or Seller of such pending disclosure by writing, and you will delay such disclosure consistent with applicable lawin a manner that provides Seller with a reasonable opportunity to obtain a judicial protective order or other relief. You shallbe responsible for the breach of this letter agreement by any of the Advisors referred to in this paragraph.Upon termination of discussions, or upon Broker’s and/or Seller’s written demand, you will promptly return all EvaluationMaterial previously delivered to you, without retaining any copy, extract or other reproduction (in whole or in part) of suchEvaluation Material and will require your Advisors to do the same. The obligations of this letter agreement shall terminatetwo (2) years from the date of this letter agreement.Although the Evaluation Material has been prepared in good faith and is believed to be accurate, Broker and Seller will notbe deemed to have made any express or implied representation or warranty regarding the Evaluation Material.You acknowledge that in the event you and/or any of your Advisors breach any of the provisions of this letter agreement, orthreaten or attempt to do so, Seller would be irreparably harmed. Accordingly, you agree in advance to the granting ofinjunctive or other equitable relief in favor of Seller without proof of actual damages. Such injunctive or equitable relief willnot be the exclusive remedy for a breach of this letter agreement, but will be in addition to all other remedies available at lawor in equity. You also agree to indemnify, save harmless and defend Seller against all losses directly or indirectly associatedwith any breach by you or your Advisors of this letter agreement, and you agree to reimburse Seller for all costs andexpenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by Seller in successfully enforcing your obligations or the obligations of yourAdvisors under this letter agreement. The provisions of this letter agreement are for the benefit of each of the partiescomprising Seller and may be enforced by any of such parties.You agree that the failure or delay by Seller in exercising any right or privilege under this letter agreement will not operate asa waiver of such right or privilege. This letter agreement may be signed in counterparts and may only be modified or waivedby subsequent written agreement signed by the parties.You acknowledge and agree that Broker is assisting Seller and acting in Seller’s interest and not in your interest or on yourbehalf in connection with the Proposed Transaction. Furthermore, you (i) agree to pay all brokerage commissions, finders’fees and other compensation that may be due to your brokers, finders, Advisors, and other persons retained by you inconnection with the Proposed Transaction; (ii) agree to indemnify, save harmless and defend Seller and its respectiveaffiliates and successors and assigns against and from any loss, liability or expense, including attorneys’ fees andexpenses, arising out of any claim or claims by any broker, finder or similar agent, representative or Advisor forcommissions, fees or other compensation relating to any Proposed Transaction if such claims are based in whole or in parton alleged dealings or agreements between or with you and such broker, finder or similar agent, representative or Advisor;and (iii) acknowledge that Broker has no power or authority to in any way bind Seller with respect to any transactioninvolving Seller, or with regard to any of the terms and conditions of any such transaction and that Seller shall in no way be
Please return this form to Mais Muwanes at mais.muwanes@jll.combound or be deemed to have agreed to any such transaction or the terms and conditions thereof until such time (if any) asSeller has executed and delivered a written agreement to enter into any transaction involving the above-referenced propertyunder terms and conditions that are acceptable to it in its sole discretion.You agree that this letter agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state where theproperty is located, without giving effect to choice of law doctrines.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties agree that the effective date of this Agreement shall be the day of, 20___.By:Title: