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Logan O'Neal

Stillwater Capital

Development Manager

Job Functions: Acquisitions & Dispositions, Development


Logan O’Neal is a development manager at Stillwater Capital, where he helps oversee all aspects new development. Prior to joining Stillwater Capital in October 2016, O’Neal worked at University House Communities, a public non-traded REIT focused on purpose-built student housing. Logan is an active member of both the Texas Real Estate Council and Urban Land Institute (ULI). He graduated from ULI’s North Texas Center for Leadership in 2020. Education: University of Dayton, Bachelor of Finance and Accounting; Master of Business Administration, Magna Cum Lade

Areas of Interest

Deal Type
Acquisition, Development, Ground Lease, Loan Purchase, Opportunity Zone, Partner Buyout, Pre-Development, Recapitalization, Refinance, Rehabilitation