Bruce Furniss is an accomplished and results-driven commercial real estate executive with extensive experience across all commercial and investment product types and asset classes. As a licensed California commercial real estate broker of 32 years, he has consummated over 150 commercial real estate transactions totaling more than $1.2 billion. Bruce has demonstrated particular expertise in and possesses comprehensive knowledge of affordable housing. As such, he is skilled in the use of both Tax-Exempt and Taxable Multi-Family Housing Bonds, Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), numerous HUD subsidy and financing programs, as well as properties encumbered by a myriad of regulatory restrictions and tenant income covenants. He commands the skill, industry knowledge and proficiency within this sub-specialty to navigate and execute the sale or restructuring of these highly complex transactions. A Two-Time Olympic Swimming champion and father of four, Bruce is an active community volunteer, contributing time and money to numerous causes affecting youth development and physically challenged athletes.
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