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Soho Bay Group

New York, NY

We are financial sponsors focused on the hospitality, health/wellness, and leisure industries. Our principals bring their backgrounds of success in hospitality investing and luxury real estate development to every endeavor. We've completed deals local to our headquarters in NYC as well as nationally and are always looking to grow our portfolio!

We target unforgettable and irreplicable concepts and real estate nationwide.  Our focus is on hospitality, health/wellness, and leisure. Initially focused on investing in our local NYC ecosystem, we've since expanded and have participated in projects nationwide. We are always looking for exciting concepts, platforms, and properties to invest in and leverage our network and expertise to add-value.​

On an ad-hoc basis, our team also engages in advisory assignments for select clients undergoing large scale projects focused on the hospitality and real estate industries. Our expertise includes structuring, financing, cash flow management, creation of marketing materials, and investment funnel creation.