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Rebus Capital

Rebus Capital

Lubbock, TX

Rebus Capital, LLC is a private commercial real estate company with over $85,000,000 in assets under management, headquartered in Lubbock, Texas. The company has in-house capabilities in acquisitions, financing, and asset management.


Rebus Capital focuses on the acquisition and management of income-producing commercial real estate nationwide. Rebus identifies strategic sub-markets for acquisitions where fundamentals are strong, job growth is positive, and rents are trending upward. Our core business model is under-performing properties with a focus on multifamily communities that can be purchased at a fair price and have the potential to be worth significantly more within a 3-4 year holding period. Rather than relying on markets or speculating, we force the appreciation of our properties by first identifying properties with substantial upside potential then unlocking this hidden value through effective property management practices. Put simply, this is done by increasing income and decreasing operating expenses thereby increasing the net operating income, which translates into a higher cash flow to our investors and a higher property value.


Rebus Capital utilizes a value investment strategy of identifying and purchasing assets for less than their intrinsic value, ensuring that each acquired property has a strong upside. We thoroughly analyze our investments to accurately predict the cash flow stream during the period of the investment and the likely challenges that will result from any difficult economic period. By carefully selecting target properties and purchasing them at favorable prices, we mitigate our risk and have a higher probability of achieving our investment goals.