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Origin Investments

Origin Investments

Chicago, IL

We started Origin to build and protect our own wealth. That goal remains the same today and we are proud to be the largest investors with the company.


We believe that a good partnership is one where everyone wins together. When you partner with Origin, you won’t find any hidden fees, confusing structures or complex deals. Our returns are created through real value creation and not financial engineering.


We invest significantly in all of our funds because we believe it’s the best place for our own capital. We compensate our team based on performance to ensure alignment and we don’t engage in businesses that create a conflict of interest between us and our investors. This philosophy has guided our decision making since we founded the company in 2007 and is why we’ve grown our number of partners by 500% over our last fund’s capital raising period.


We are privileged to partner with you and want to thank you for considering Origin for your investment needs.