Greenrock specializes in equity placement for joint venture and preferred equity structures. We underwrite transactions based on real-time knowledge of the market to determine investor returns. Greenrock has experience working with institutional investment funds that prefer large, passive investments in addition to smaller, opportunistic investors that will evaluate smaller deals with active participation.
Equity sources include: Private Equity Funds, Endowments, Insurance Companies, Pensions, Public Companies, REITs, Family Offices, RIA's, and High Net Worth Individuals.
Greenrock is committed to providing creative solutions to meet our clients’ financing needs. We leverage our experience across all deal profiles, including acquisition financing, refinancing, agency financing, mezzanine placements, bridge loans, construction loans, and land loans. We work with a diverse range of capital providers which allows us to customize and structure each deal for optimal success. Greenrock does not service loans for lenders or act as a lender's correspondent, thereby mitigating any conflicts of interest for our clients.
Debt sources include: National and Regional Banks, Agencies, Life Insurance Companies, Debt Funds, CMBS, Mortgage REITS, Credit Unions, Family Offices, and private lenders.
Areas of Interest
- Risk Profile
- Property Type
- Deal Type