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Beverly Hills, CA

Our story is rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit of the Bolour family, who in 1950 moved to Europe to begin the international expansion of a thriving textile business. By the 1980s we were established in Southern California, where our growth continued to take shape through family investment in value-add commercial real estate, particularly in emerging neighborhoods such as Hollywood, Downtown Los Angeles and Koreatown. Today, that real estate business has evolved into a fully integrated investment, development and finance enterprise that brings generations of relationships, a team of collective intelligence and an enduring vision to all of its endeavors. This multi-faceted expertise, combined with our established relationships in the industry, provide us with unique access to invaluable market information and investment opportunities. Recognizing that entrepreneurial borrowers need flexibility, certainty of closing, speed of execution and creative deal structuring, BOLOUR in 2009 launched its bridge lending platform. In the years that followed, we continued to build on that foundation, creating a comprehensive lending platform that today offers financing solutions in 17 states (CA, AZ, TX, OR, CO, ID, UT, WA, TN, NC, GA, PA, MA, MD, VA, IL, FL) and the District of Columbia. Product classes that BOLOUR lends on include: retail, office, multi-family, industrial, mixed-use, SFRs (non-owner occupied) and urban infill land. The success of every project is a function of bringing a variety of disciplines together to create a synergistic relationship between all the different stages of development. BOLOUR achieves this success time and again by using an integrated approach to real estate development – a strategy that helps to ensure on-time and on-budget projects and adds significant value throughout the multiple phases of the development cycle.