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APAA Investments, LLC

Dallas, TX

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." APAA Investments, LLC, recognizing the significant investment opportunities that have transpired within the current market, has taken an acquisition approach to stay ahead of the market. APAA Investments, LLC not only conveys capital into a deal, but also the experience and expertise of its principals and staff. We are capable and willing to purchase portfolios, assets, and notes outright for cash up-front and incorporate the proficiency to close deals quickly. APAA Investments, LLC is looking to place $25+ million in investment opportunities over the next 365 days. APAA Investment, LLC’s primary strategy is to add value to its investments. This can be accomplished through aggressive lease-up, repositioning the property by changing the tenant profile, changing the use altogether, renovation, or simply good management.