Anderson Pacific
Founded in 2001
Anderson Pacific, LLC was formed to pursue the investment, planning, design, entitlement and development of community plans and mixed-use infill projects closely following principles intended to create livable and walkable communities. While this notion is sometimes discussed in different terms including “Smart Growth” and Sustainable Development, AndersonPacific, LLC’s (“APL”) core belief is that truly successful real estate projects, in both social and financial terms, are conceived and implemented without succumbing to fads. Instead they embrace the most fundamental and historically tested planning and real estate principles.
Over the past 50 years, all segments of real estate in the United States – office, retail, industrial, civic, and housing have largely been developed in a segregated and piece-meal manner, such that our country’s infrastructure, especially roadway transportation systems (i.e. traffic), are overwhelmed. As a result, communities and governments typically associate all development with the degradation of the quality of life thereby vigorously opposing it or taxing it to be un-viable. Unfortunately, this largely exacerbates the problems associated with quality of life issues. Rather than properly addressing poorly planned environments, cheaper, short lived, and lower density projects, which disproportionately use precious resources are encouraged. These problems, which are now considered “unsustainable”, associated with an increasing population and the credit crisis, have strongly contributed to the tremendous difficulties in real estate today.
Realizing that the first realistic step in breaking this cycle is to work with governments and related legislation, APL has been primarily focusing on entitlement and regulatory matters. To implement solutions APL acts as the managing executive for its own account for property owners with large, complex real estate projects that have inherent planning, entitlement and development challenges. In addition, APL works with various investment funds that are sensitive to and appreciate the above-market appreciation of the projects and real estate that follow Smart Growth principles.
Areas of Interest
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