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American Commercial Realty

Palm Beach Gardens, FL

American Commercial Realty Corp. is actively acquiring shopping centers and office buildings, throughout Florida and the eastern United States. The principals of American Commercial Realty have extensive experience in evaluating and acquiring quality commercial property. Given its long experience in the industry and its intimate familiarity with markets throughout the eastern United States, the company is in a position to act promptly in connection with its consideration, due diligence and closing on shopping center assets. Property management is essential to maximizing a shopping center's value and ensuring long-term stabilization of its physical plant. American Commercial Realty's Property Management Division is highly skilled in all facets of property operations, handling capital projects, tenant relations, lease administration, contract supervision and the management of day-to-day maintenance operations and the supervision of construction. American Commercial Realty is experienced in positioning and repositioning shopping centers so that they will generate competitive profits on a long-term basis, thereby maximizing the value of the property. A primary component of American Commercial Realty's real estate services cache is the leasing expertise and services provided to the commercial properties under management. Leasing services are managed by our in-house experienced team of leasing professionals. Our team is experienced with all types of commercial real estate and they have long standing relationships with large, medium and emerging tenants. Providing comprehensive leasing services on the majority of our leasing assignments, we often partner with local real estate professionals to provide assistance. The combination of our in-house capability and our strong relationships with third party providers gives us the flexibility to handle any and all leasing challenges. American Commercial Realty's asset management division ensures that short term and long term plans are designed to enhance the properties' value and to meet the changing demand in a highly competitive market place. We utilize a highly structured Asset Management program in order to ensure consistent quality in the level of service that we provide to our investors and to our tenants. Success in redevelopment begins with a thorough knowledge of the entire redevelopment process, extensive experience in the marketplace, the understanding of local requirements and the connections to get the job done. The redevelopment team, at ACR, has in-depth knowledge and expertise in the complex areas of acquisition and redevelopment, with an extensive background in governmental relationships, environmental issues, marketing, financing, economic feasibility, raising capital and project management.